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Wow. Excellent work, and thanks for the coverage of the medblog world!

What a challenge that must be, you did a great job!

Buckley F. Williams

First of all, thanks for putting together such a great carnival. It's very easy on the eye and a breeze to navigate.
Second, I have to apologize. I accidentally made 2 submissions. Sorry about that.
Thanks again.


Great work Doc, just a minor note. This post:

"Visit The Electric Commentary where Paul Noonan will lay out the rug for you: The facts don't add up, and the logic isn't all there."

was actually written by the Electric Commentary's resident public policy analyst Jason, and not by me (I wish).

Don't worry about changing it, I'll make a note on the site. I just wanted Jason to get his due.

Good work and thanks,

Paul Noonan

Brian Goettl

Code Blue:

Thank you for another great job of hosting. I have been doing the Carnival for three weeks, and the hosting has been superb everytime. After reading your Carnival, all I can say is that I didn't know there were so many big words in the medical world. I'll need a medical dictionary when I host in June, either that, or a bain transplant. Do you know any good surgeons?


Wow! There's a lot of interesting-looking stuff here. I'll have to spend some time tonight going through it all.

You and the others who present these Carnivals take on a huge task and always do a great job. Thanks!


Good job, Doc.
And being a Sophist was a kind of profession in Ancient greece, by the way :)

Ashish Hanwadikar

Thanks for hosting COTV! Is there any reason why this nomination was not included? http://ashishniti.blogspot.com/2005/03/big-media-crushes-blogger.html

Mr. Snitch!

It's tough handling that many entries and giving them some kind of definition for the casual reader. I appreciate the amount and quality of the effort you put into this COTV. And, you have a unique and fascinating blog yourself.

The Zero Boss

Um, you forgot my submission. Not that I blame you, given the flood of entries.


I sincerely apologize for several blog posts that I know fell through the cracks. Part of the challenge of taking on COTV is to get everybody out there, and I missed that mark. If and when I host again I promise you all that not one post will be lost, accidently trashed, or ignored. I'm a guy who learns from his mistakes. Thanks.


Great job - and thanks for the kind words!

Ed Adkins

also ignored. poo.

perhaps it was b/c we entered through the comments rather than an email.


very nice work, and thanks for the shout outs to your medical blog buds. lots of good reading here!

The Zero Boss

Ed: No, Elisson used comments and he got in. It's the sheer volume. I've done Bonfire of the Vanities, and have missed a post or two - and that's only with 20-25 submissions. I can imagine how much time it took to compose this edition for CotV, and how easy it would be for some things to slip through the cracks.


Don't feel bad, guys, I got rejected too...

And I emailed it. Ah well, it happens.

Chris Hallquist

How do you decide who does the carnival each week? It seems like a marvel of disorganized organization. Is there a single site for working these things out and announcing who is doing it in a given week?




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  • "Dr. Boyle is a man of strong views and good will...read the weblog."
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  • "My New Favorite Internet Obsession"
    cripes, suzette
  • "Marvelous Medical Blog"
  • "Entertaining and lluminating"
    Counterpunch Magazine
  • "Enjoyable Weblog"
    Alexander Cockburn
  • "I have found a new medical blog, and a blogging hero."
    Liz Ditz-- I Speak of Dreams
  • "Your Blog Rocks!"
    Allyson Dyar-- DyarStraights.Com
  • "A remarkable blog."
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    E. Moritz-- Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
