Good day to all and thank you for coming to visit the 131st Carnival of the Vanities, begun by the gifted and talented progenitor Bigwig at Siflay Hraka.
If you see smoke emanating from this blog site it is because of quite a controversy that has been roiling CodeBlueBlog this week, and I apologize if this gets in your way...but the show must go on!
The Top Story -- And Breaking News:
Looking for the next blogger to break out into national attention with cutting edge material BEFORE the MSM? Eric McErlain of Off Wing Opinion is my bet. The rubric is sports, but the information is erudite and insightful... and I think he just landed a blue marlin:
In Title IX Earthquake, Eric blows the doors off a story not yet read or reported in MSM --It's about a change in enforcement of the controversial Title IX rule. Go read it.
The Neolibertarian Network Has Arrived
I don't know about YOU, but I've always wanted to be a Libertarian except that I always felt that Libertarians were sort of like Liberals in that they had lofty and admirable notions that were largely inapplicable to the exigencies of day-to-day life. The Neolibertarian Movement has settled that issue, and I'M SIGNING UP!
What's a neolibertarian? I don't want to spoil it for you but it just may be a more workable form of a political philosophy that is, at its roots, highly attractive. The QandO Blog is the place for you to click it out.
A Blog Of Note and To Be Noted:
The Glittering Eye should get YOUR eye every day. It's author lists interesting items throughout the Internet on a daily (or more) basis which serves as a jumping point for like-minded readers.
But TGE's Dave Schuler doesn't stop there... he adds his own analysis as in this trenchant piece on the evolution of Soviet containment policy in the era of George Kennan.
And you MUST check out his coverage of the Iditarod -- because it is SO cool.
My Med Buds
Since this is MY HOUSE, I'm going to use the rules a little and introduce you to my family and friends in the medical blogosphere. We are really good, and you can get yourself clean here. It's information you need, and there is a lot of it by experienced physicians, nurses, techs, students, and more.
Nick at Blogborygmi gets poetic, no Whitmanesque while expatiating about the new RedTacton technology -- devices that purportedly will transmit data over people's natural electric fields. Dare I say ecstatic?
Another of my compeers, Dr. Charles, blogs regularly at The Examining Room of Doctor Charles. He takes an interesting trip from a colorblind patient to an evolutionary proposition. This is the result of having an inquisitive and divergent mind. Read The Color of One's Life.
New med blogs crop up every week. I have trouble keeping up nowadays, mainly because I feel like I'm juggling twelve Faberge Eggs every day...but, seriously, there have been a couple of great new med blogs you just GOT to visit. One of these is Dr. Tony, and his recent humerus post about an "enterprising" platelet is not only funny, it's instructive.
DO NOT miss Effect Measure, an IMPORTANT medical blog with cutting-edge posts about bird flu (you MUST follow this story).
Respectful Insolence (a.k.a. "Orac Knows") is a physic an with consistently worthwhile posts, who recently wrote a four part series about the deadly power of denial, concluding with the denial that occurs in the treating physician. Read Orac.
I check in with Kevin, M.D. every day for his slant on the news, and to RangelMD for his thorough, intelligent blogging. Then there are the Senators and Voices of Reason (helping to balance out CodeBlueBlog): DB's Medical Rants and Medpundit.
The studs in the ER and OR are Grunt Doc and Bard Parker -- go see, if you have the stomach...
Galen's Log is smart and on the mark. The Cheerful Oncologist is always a good read.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention The Mad House Madman, for whom we all have love. There's a new being in his life, so his blogging is currently...colicky.
CodeBlueBlog's Question of the Week: What is Life?
What constitutes life is a never ending argument; but, in the witness of death, we all hang our heads in agreement.
Only The Good...
Amba adds a third dimension to the orthogonal views of my previous apothegm at AmbivaBlog. It's foreign, and poignant. Read the author's bio...we have ALL KINDS of talented people out here in this ethereal blogosphere!
Terri Schiavo
My Carnival would not have been complete without Eric Scheie of Classical Values sending me a post. Thanks, Eric. BOOK MARK HIS SITE. It is always good, and contains TONS of info. I once asked Eric where he found the time to think and write into his blog as much as he does (as I labor past 2 AM Tuesday night!)...and he emailed me: "My loss is your gain. lol"
He's right! This is what the blogosphere is all about. FREE stuff in great proportions. Read what Eric has to say about the Terri Schiavo case in Politicized to Death.
It's all about drawing lines, isn't it? Rightwing Nuthouse is good. And there is an important point made about how the very act of repetition inures one to the initial repugnance of that act. Read it.
I just recently found The Smarter Cop, and IT'S GOOD. Read this exquisite analogy that ties itself to Terri Schiavo. Well done.
I respect and admire P.Z. Myers -- of Pharyngula -- and any time he has something to say, I listen and I take him seriously. He's good. He's passionate. His blog rocks. He references H.P. Lovecraft -- one of my first big fiction obsessions. P.Z. steps back in the Schiavo case to express what I take as his exasperation. A Lovecraftian auditory phenomenon expresses all that.
BlueStateRed cogently addresses what many are thinking and saying: that despite the exigencies of the Schiavo case, the intervening of Congress and the President are in many ways baffling, and perhaps, even a poor gambit. Steven M. Couch places blames on all parties in this NEAT little piece that responds to the insufferable Peggy Noonan. Bookmark this blog.
What will Michael Schiavo's children be asking him in the future? Empire State Conservatives posits Micchael Schiavo's Future in this insightful piece.
More intelligent commentary on the flaws of the President and the Congress intervening at The Twilight Zone via Legacy Matters.
The last upcoming comments on Terri are sublime and for some reason recall, for me, T.S.Eliot in Four Quartets:
Garlic and sapphires in the mud
Clot the bedded axle-tree
The trilling wire in the blood
Sings below inveterate scars
Appeasing long forgotten wars.
The dance along the artery
The circulation of the lymph
Are figured in the drift of stars
Ascend to summer in the tree
We move above the moving trees
in light upon the figured leaf
And hear upon the sodden floor
Below, the boarhound and the boar
Pursue their pattern as before
But reconciled among the stars.
Read The Anchoress writing about Terri, John Paul II, Lucia, George W. Bush, Mary. You don't need religion to feel, and to emote, and to understand. Thank you, Lizzie.
Torters (click this)
I stopped videotaping obstetrical ultrasounds for parents over ten years ago when I realized that I was setting myself up for a fall (and I saw it happen, subsequently to other Docs) because I like to try to think like a Torter (*snap* *snap*) in order to avoid their snapping beaks. PUNDITGUY sees this phenomenon now in videotaping of births, and he is RIGHT ON with his analysis of the implications. A must read is Stop The Tape!
Tex The Pontificator follows up an Instapundit lead on how personal freedom and individual right are threatened by international lawsuits in the coming global era.
Interested-Participant always has my attention...he has a's a compendium of older women who have been caught consorting with boys.
I-P is really onto something here. I'm not trying to be funny, or sardonic, or clever. Is there a social tide turning or have we uncovered another long, deeply buried reality. I would keep working on this one, Mike.
You Big Mouth You! shows us another, similarly incomprehensible side of pedophilia involving priests and boys with Church: Volino and Friends.
The Left Bank
I assume the Unrepentant Leftist would like to speak for himself, so here he is, from America Showing Off More of that "Moral Capital":
One would think the nation that claims to be bringing freedom and democracy to the world would believe in moral accountability. What am I thinking! This is the same country that has committed genocide, germ warfare, mass murder and slavery.
Rights Talk
Mary Ann Glendon has nothing on The Smallest Minority. You really should visit and read the exegetical What is a "Right" written by the soul-searching inhabitant of this blog, It's solid thinking material.
Don't chow down too hard on those girl Scout Cookies. The King of Fools sees a bad moon 'a risin in this new purview of the obesity police.
Slublog (great do you divide the pronunciation of that word?) has yet another new slant on Terri Schiavo's case. Infidelity. read about it in Setting Precedent.
A litany of lunatics. Hillary, Kerry, Boxer...what are they up to? Fouling the voting process. The Big Picture has the lowdown.
Our next piece is worth reading for this SWEET line:
A story on puzzled people who seem to have been the first ever to rear the exotic mammals known as “children.”
That is SO good. Read all about it at Dodgeblogium.
What's behind Caffeine Awareness Month? It's nefarious. The Idiom is on the case.
MARK HELPRIN DIGRESSIONS: Reading the above COFFEE link, I am reminded of Mark Helprin's novel, Memoir from Antproof Case, about a man who desperately despises caffeine. And if you never read A Soldier of The Great War, then you missed one of the greatest American novels of all time (no THE GREATEST AMERICAN NOVEL -- it's MY day, right?).
By coincidence, Planting Hands sent me a submission about one subject and I noticed a MARK HELPERIN link at the top of the page. So I'm using editorial insouciance and gleeful coincidence to excuse my changing the submitted link to the Helperin link because it is in regards to Winter's Tale (think Shakespeare) which was also one of the best books I ever read.
So excuse me robintilling for this switch but know that I think you an intelligent being of the highest magnitude. We'll have to keep an eye on this blog.
The Media
Jack Bauer, George Bush, and Human Rights Watch. The Nose On Your Face puts them together in an informative and titillating post.
More than Hi jinks at a suburban New York newspaper, reported to us by Melanie Lyons, part of the consortium at NEI Nuclear Notes. Melanie delivers a pithing blow in So Much For Journalistic Objectivity.
The Social Sciences
Non quantifiable phenomena of cognitive and post-purchase dissonance are used to explain conservatives reactions to the recent NY Times revelation that major weapons installations were looted after the fall of Baghdad in The Opposite of Buyer's Remorse at Threading the Needle.
How to Save the Institution of marriage? Reinvent it. Redefine it. Same sex marriage will rescue an embattled and weather-beaten social institution. Margaret Romao Toigo blogs Protecting and Defending Marriage in the 21st Century in Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
Race and Intelligence mentioned together by the NY Times? Dissecting leftism takes a crack.
Journalism majors at Harvard may soon have prerequisites in terrorism. The Stone City lays the groundwork for the doppelganger scenario in Citizens of the World.
Are the psychological foci of ideology and religiosity so close together that they can substitute for each other? Or are there unconscious mechanisms hard-wired in the human brain that allows them to influence each other? At Shrink Wrapped a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst uses his erudition and skills to elucidate a novel theory regarding the origin of liberal ideations in: Political Deification.
There are oceans of ideas in which my ship has never sailed. And never will. But for those of you who indulge in precisely defining and developing your sexuality and sexual relationships, the blogosphere can be a canal to another sea. And so you might enjoy, even understand An Alpha Female Bares Her Throat Only To Her Mate, and many of the other regular posts at the FCC unregulated site Taken In Hand.
Want to be a feminist? Want a raise at work? The Opinionated Bastard says you need to read these four books -- I didn't have time to read them before this post,'re on your own!
Does hunting big game help preserve the game? TFS Magnum makes the case.
Acronym Birth
Welcome ANWR. Want to know what it stands for? Hint: Drilling through the snow and ice for oil. Intrigued? What if I told you it was like double stuff mint oreos...I think you better read these posts.
Visit The Electric Commentary where Paul Noonan will lay out the rug for you: The facts don't add up, and the logic isn't all there.
At Fresh Politics student Taylor W. Buley draws a line of definition between preservationists and conservationists, then drills it into an opinion about looking for oil in all the right places.
Time Out
Thanks for mister snitch in providing me with a breather. A LITTLE BIT OF HUMOR IS NEEDED FOR THE HUMAN, you know? So go check out Men in Black (capes)!
What are out of touch celibate men thinking these days? At The People's Republic of Seabrook, we are given the answer: The DaVinci Code. Intrigued? Click and go.
What are the The Top 20 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Axis Of Evil Overlord? Generic Confusion will tell you if you just click this link.
Separate and Unequal is bathroom humor of a sort, but it's serious too, and I found it smart, as is most of the stuff I find at Multiple Mentality.
Blog d'Ellison is good. This is also how the whole blogger phenomenon started, with clever, intelligent people saying funny and insightful things about their everyday lives. Read Fast Times. And is that REALLY your DAUGHTER?!
The blogger phenomenon also started with blogs like this one written by "melinama" from North Carolina. Henry Doesn't Like Snakes is about experiences, but they are widely applicable, important, and instructional, and this is written well, too. I really like finding these kinds of blogs.
Sick of cell phone Nazis? I am. So is Bill at Nothing But Love. (Thanks to Liz Ditz)
And speaking of Liz, she didn't send me anything, but I'm going to send you over to her site, I Speak of Dreams, because it is intelligent, informative, well-oriented and represents a lot of good and hard work. You will really enjoy bookmarking the site -- it has the CodeBlueBlog seal of approval.
How are Johnny Depp and Hezbollah connected? Wryly, by The Nose On Your Face Hezbollah Wins 'The Johnny'.
There are too many white male...everything! Including bloggers. The reid report talks about the black and white of blogging.
Africa, China, and Japan
The blogosphere rides around the world, and you should follow in these two entertaining, informative and highly readable posts. I bookmarked BOTH of these blogs.
Mike Hester in China: "Lots of stories and pictures." Mike wants you to join him for a Chinese Data Dump at his blog L&N Line. I suggest you comply.
Want to go to a Ghanian presidential inauguration? The blog Koranteng's Toli will take you there if you click on Inauguration a L'Africaine. DON'T SKIP THIS POST. It is SO good.
In Japan, some business owners are banning non Japanese from their premises. From the viewpoint of a motorcycle-riding American in Japan, this is racism, and an Australian professor who disagrees is a disgrace.
Japanese women and their BIG breasts? Don't ask. Just go to WORDLAB.
ONlY ONE SPORTS POST (besides Off Wing Opinion)!
Did I scare you guys off?
Good stuff about our FAVORITE sports event: MARCH MADNESS. The key monk weighs in with NCAA Commentary. I'm bookmarking this one.
Polly Ticks Eko Nomicks and Bizniss
The Silence of The Dems: Why didn't the Democrats make an issue of the Enron and Worldcom scandals during the last election? Brian Goettl at The Conservative Edge has an insightful take on the recent conviction of Bernie Ebbers.
Ashish's Niti, asks us: If corporations create jobs, pay taxes and provide profits, do they "owe" anything to their local community? Are they obligated to "give back?" We Don't Owe Nothin' provides a link to a CEO with an answer.
The Conservative Cat, who's cleverly generated submission forms have peppered my mailbox this week, has also created a JavaScript "freedom counter" that is keeping track of the dollars spent on creating and maintaining freedom in the Middle East. It's for observers from Mars. See
At DSSHubris one of the contributors talks about the incompatibility between the often articulated phrases: "I support the troops"... but.. "not the war.
How do we all attract more readership from the general public? Blog Business World addresses and defines the issue and offers suggestions in a post that deserves linking, pasting and READING.
The New Federalist and nikita demosthenes look like identical twins to me, but there's still reason to visit one or the other to read blog outtakes regarding the incompatibilities of Socialism and health care; the ups and downs of an erectile drug company; and saucy revelations about Jane Fonda.
Sophistpundit (is that a portmanteau word that is simultaneously an oxymoron? ...Sorry...) wants to put things in perspective on the second anniversary of the Iraqi invasion. He posts a letter from someone whose cousin was horribly wounded.
HoooBoy...That's a Turkey Wrap
Next week it's Eric Berlin's Turn (call me for tips Eric, if you need 'em) and go visit that oh so smart Mr. Watership Down Bunny (Silflay) for future Carnival outposts and a way to sign on to this traveling lumbago show.
I would do it again in a heartbeat. There is some mighty good reading out there. Good Day and Keep on Bloggin'.
Wow. Excellent work, and thanks for the coverage of the medblog world!
What a challenge that must be, you did a great job!
Posted by: GruntDoc | March 23, 2005 at 03:32 AM
First of all, thanks for putting together such a great carnival. It's very easy on the eye and a breeze to navigate.
Second, I have to apologize. I accidentally made 2 submissions. Sorry about that.
Thanks again.
Posted by: Buckley F. Williams | March 23, 2005 at 06:01 AM
Great work Doc, just a minor note. This post:
"Visit The Electric Commentary where Paul Noonan will lay out the rug for you: The facts don't add up, and the logic isn't all there."
was actually written by the Electric Commentary's resident public policy analyst Jason, and not by me (I wish).
Don't worry about changing it, I'll make a note on the site. I just wanted Jason to get his due.
Good work and thanks,
Paul Noonan
Posted by: Paul.Noonan | March 23, 2005 at 09:21 AM
Code Blue:
Thank you for another great job of hosting. I have been doing the Carnival for three weeks, and the hosting has been superb everytime. After reading your Carnival, all I can say is that I didn't know there were so many big words in the medical world. I'll need a medical dictionary when I host in June, either that, or a bain transplant. Do you know any good surgeons?
Posted by: Brian Goettl | March 23, 2005 at 09:33 AM
Wow! There's a lot of interesting-looking stuff here. I'll have to spend some time tonight going through it all.
You and the others who present these Carnivals take on a huge task and always do a great job. Thanks!
Posted by: Mark | March 23, 2005 at 10:29 AM
Good job, Doc.
And being a Sophist was a kind of profession in Ancient greece, by the way :)
Posted by: Adam | March 23, 2005 at 11:14 AM
Thanks for hosting COTV! Is there any reason why this nomination was not included?
Posted by: Ashish Hanwadikar | March 23, 2005 at 11:28 AM
It's tough handling that many entries and giving them some kind of definition for the casual reader. I appreciate the amount and quality of the effort you put into this COTV. And, you have a unique and fascinating blog yourself.
Posted by: Mr. Snitch! | March 23, 2005 at 12:03 PM
Um, you forgot my submission. Not that I blame you, given the flood of entries.
Posted by: The Zero Boss | March 23, 2005 at 01:57 PM
I sincerely apologize for several blog posts that I know fell through the cracks. Part of the challenge of taking on COTV is to get everybody out there, and I missed that mark. If and when I host again I promise you all that not one post will be lost, accidently trashed, or ignored. I'm a guy who learns from his mistakes. Thanks.
Posted by: CodeBlueBlogMD | March 23, 2005 at 02:15 PM
Great job - and thanks for the kind words!
Posted by: Elisson | March 23, 2005 at 02:38 PM
also ignored. poo.
perhaps it was b/c we entered through the comments rather than an email.
Posted by: Ed Adkins | March 23, 2005 at 03:01 PM
very nice work, and thanks for the shout outs to your medical blog buds. lots of good reading here!
Posted by: dr.charles | March 23, 2005 at 03:10 PM
Ed: No, Elisson used comments and he got in. It's the sheer volume. I've done Bonfire of the Vanities, and have missed a post or two - and that's only with 20-25 submissions. I can imagine how much time it took to compose this edition for CotV, and how easy it would be for some things to slip through the cracks.
Posted by: The Zero Boss | March 23, 2005 at 03:52 PM
Don't feel bad, guys, I got rejected too...
And I emailed it. Ah well, it happens.
Posted by: Kevin | March 23, 2005 at 10:26 PM
How do you decide who does the carnival each week? It seems like a marvel of disorganized organization. Is there a single site for working these things out and announcing who is doing it in a given week?
Posted by: Chris Hallquist | April 08, 2005 at 09:58 PM
Posted by: code | July 28, 2005 at 07:20 PM
This website is one of my favorites!
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Posted by: orlando lee clark | November 03, 2005 at 05:42 PM
very nice work, and thanks for the shout outs to your medical blog buds. lots of good reading here!
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